No te pases de fresco - just wondering what the translation is

No te pases de fresco - just wondering what the translation is


Hola a todos! Hace un largo rato que no estaba aquí.

Tengo una pregunta, la traducción de está frase.

No te pases de fresco

Sé que significa algo como... No abuses o no saques partido de la situación...

Pero no estoy completamente segura.

Mil gracias!

updated Jul 19, 2012
edited by rac1
posted by dewclaw
Bienvenido de nuevo! - annierats, Jul 16, 2012
Bienvenida de nuevo. - prometidodefernanda, Jul 17, 2012
Yes, sorry, I engineered a sex change, I'm sorry, lack of attention, typos. - annierats, Jul 17, 2012

5 Answers


Una persona fresca es una persona que no toma mucha importancia de sus actos o de la consecuencia de ellos, por ejemplo alguien que es muy relajado o, en el peor de los casos, un sinverguenza. Tal vez en inglés podría ser "Don't be so bold".

updated Jul 19, 2012
posted by Juliss
Muchas gracias. - dewclaw, Jul 17, 2012

I think it means; Don't go to far-- don't be stroppy.

Although, lol, I tried to lok it up and came up with a manual that uses it to say: Don't overuse the air-conditioning in your car! This is true. I t was an article about how to save fuel. Clearly the writer didn't live in England, we have the heating on and the windscreen wipers.

updated Jul 19, 2012
edited by annierats
posted by annierats
Yes clearly haha... I think it isan idiom though - dewclaw, Jul 16, 2012
We'll wait and see, somebody will know, I'm just guessing from context. - annierats, Jul 16, 2012
Gets my vote. - Eddy, Jul 17, 2012
I asked my Venezuelan teacher today and fresco is definitly stroppy, unpleasant, ill'mannered. - annierats, Jul 17, 2012

"¡Cómo te pasas!" is colloquial which means your going too far since "pasarse" means (among other things) "to go too far".

Another similar phrase is "Ya te vale". In Spain it is used colloquially to reproach someone for behaving in an irresponsible manner. It is somewhat close to "You're unbelievable!" said with the appropriate tone.

updated Jul 19, 2012
posted by Eddy
Thanks ed! V. Useful - dewclaw, Jul 17, 2012

En español de México el significado de "una persona fresca" es un adjetivo negativo:

Una persona fresca es alguien grosero y descarado que no muestra educación con los demás.

"No te pases de fresco" signicaría en México: Manten una adecuada conducta, deja de ser grosero o maleducado.

updated Jul 19, 2012
posted by xtiagox

It looks to me like: "Don't get fresh!" or "Don't do something fresh!" This is a sentiment which my grandmother frequently expressed to youngsters who were being "smart-mouthed" or too sure of themselves. "fresh" meant "inappropriate, unmannerly, arrogant, overly self-confident ... smart-mouthed"

enter image description here

updated Jul 17, 2012
posted by Lector_Constante
Thank you:) - dewclaw, Jul 17, 2012