

Argentina, Castellano

I'm searching for the most accurate translation of the word in the title. It comes from the informal noun "chamuyo", which refers to the speech that someone uses to try to seduce another person.

It's an odd verb, considering that it's used as reflexive and transitive at the same time.

For instance: "Juan se chamuyó a esa mina toda la noche".

I wonder if there's anything more precise than: "Juan tried to seduce that chick during the whole night".

Thanks in advance!
  • Thank you for your speedy answers. I assume it may be used in the USA too. Am I wrong?
    Sweet Talk may be used in the EE UU
    I understand it perfectly.
    Sometimes aca en los estados, decimos
    "to get into her pants" - common (slang)
    "he flirted with her the whole night" (to flirt) [not slang]
    "hit on" to hit on..por ejemp" girls always hit on me when i go to the beach. - very very common (slang)

    espero q esto te ayuda.
    perdoname q te escribo tardisimo.
    pero acabo de encontar este forito.
    Sweet Talk may be used in the EE UU
    I understand it perfectly.
    Sometimes aca en los estados, decimos
    "to get into her pants" - common (slang)
    "he flirted with her the whole night" (to flirt) [not slang]
    "hit on" to hit on..por ejemp" girls always hit on me when i go to the beach. - very very common (slang)

    espero q esto te ayuda.
    perdoname q te escribo tardisimo.
    pero acabo de encontar este forito.

    Y cuál vendria a ser mas comun para "Juan se chamuyó a esa mina toda la noche"?

    " Juan hit on that chick during the whole night/ all night long"
    "Juan got into that chick's pants during the whole night/ all night long"

    Excluí "flirt" ya que no es slang y "chamuyar" si lo es. (igual siempre esta bueno aportar todas las posibilidades ;) )
    Claro, me refiero a la última interpretación de donivan según la cual "Juan got into that chick's pants during the whole night/ all night long".

    En este caso, el chamuyo consistía, según la expresión estadounidense, en buscar entablar algo concreto con la chica (y no su consumación en sí como supone esa traducción). Es una expresión hecha, osea que bien puede querer hablarle, besarla, etc., pero la expresión cruda sugiere el objetivo final.
