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¿Cuántos BCAA tomar al día? ¿Cómo tomarlos?

¿Cuántos BCAA tomar al día? ¿Cómo tomarlos?
Ruben del Toro
Editor y Escritor6 años Hace
Ver el perfil de Ruben del Toro

En este artículo veremos cuántos BCAA tomar al día y cómo tomarlos para aprovechar sus beneficios.

Muchos de nosotros nos preocupamos por tomar suplementación deportiva para mejorar el rendimiento deportivo y conseguir un cuerpo musculado y atlético, lo que hoy en día se conoce como cuerpo fitness.  Pero, ¿cuántos de nosotros nos preocupamos por las cantidades que debemos tomar de cada suplemento?

By taking fewer grams of BCAAs or proteins you will not fall into a maelstrom of muscle catabolism and acute malnutrition, you will simply be taking an amount that is inappropriate in some cases depending on the objective you are pursuing.



BCAA how to take them


What are BCAAs?

BCAAs are 3 of the amino acids that make up long chains of protein, and protein is what makes up our muscles and other tissues.Of the around 200 amino acids that exist, the BCAAs are the ones that are in charge of the muscular processes that have to do with proteins, be it generating new tissues, repairing damaged tissues, accelerating muscle recovery after training, facilitating the synthesis protein and generally keep muscles in optimal health.¹Do you want to know more about BCAAs? Visit this article on which is the best BCAA.


When to take BCAAs?

This is a question that must be treated with care, because the answer can be very quick and short, or very long and dense. We are going to choose to get a middle ground.The quick and short answer would be: “when you need them”. But of course, you have to explain a little why and how, so here we go.As we have already seen, BCAAs are the basis of the proteins that form muscles and whenever we have a greater demand for proteins, we will also have a greater demand for amino acids.But when can I have a higher demand for protein? Well, generally when doing some type of physical sport of medium / high intensity.If for example you play table tennis (also known as ping-pong) which is as respectable a sport as any other, your demand for protein will not be much higher than anyone else's.But if your sport is weights, things change.Fitness or bodybuilding are sports in which a physical change is basically sought, either by increasing muscle mass or losing fat (normally we seek both at the same time).For this, exercises with weights are carried out, in which it is sought to move large weights to stimulate a greater number of muscle fibers and thus break them so that they are repaired, become stronger, more resistant, and increase in size.In such a case, the demand for proteins and amino acids will increase exponentially and their consumption will have to be increased to supply the body with the nutrients it needs to recover and move forward towards the set goal.This is where BCAA supplementation comes in, because if we are not able to get the optimal supply of amino acids to speed recovery through diet, we will need a supplement to finish the job.


Who can take BCAAs?

As we have just seen, they can be taken by anyone who performs a high-intensity sport and has a higher caloric requirement.It doesn't matter if you are a man or a woman, whether you are 20 or 60 years old, or whether you are a footballer, a tennis player or simply train with weights in a gym. If you need to take amino acids because you notice that your recovery is not adequate, take them!And here comes the million dollar question and that gives title to this post…


How many BCAAs to take per day?

There is a very popular saying that we all know that says "each person is a world" and that is an enormous truth that applies to this case and to most supplements on the market, because each person has different needs and different objectives. Taking that into account, we are already halfway there.Surely the 2 will take BCAA but obviously in different amounts, and very different!

Another factor that must be taken into account in addition to the physical state of the individual or the level of physical activity and its intensity, is the quality of the BCAA supplement that you are going to take.

Depending on the quality and quantity of amino acids that each supplement provides, it will be necessary to take more or less of it to achieve the necessary contribution.In general, the appropriate dose is around 5 g per dose, and it is recommended to take between 20-30 g per day to achieve optimal results.For example, if your level of training is very high, you move heavy weights and do long and intense workouts, you should be closer to 30 g per day spread throughout the day.The best times of day to take BCAAs would be:
  • Along with breakfast: 5 g
  • Along with the mid-day meal: 5 g
  • Pre-workout: 5g
  • Intra-workout: 5 g
  • Post workout: 5-10g
  • Before bed*: 5g

*If on a particular day you have hit a training session that makes history and you think you may need a greater supply of nutrients and amino acids to improve and speed up recovery, you can add another 5 g shot of BCAAs before going to bed together with your casein shake so that the body has everything it needs to recover during the night.



Something that I always recommend is listening to your body and knowing it well to know what your needs are and how to meet them successfully to achieve your goals.To do this, you must keep trying until you find the formula that allows you to improve every day and above all that makes you feel good about yourself, which in the end is the most important thing.

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Nuestros artículos están redactados con fines educativos e informativos, jamás deberán tomarse como una consulta médica. Si fuera necesario, en su lugar visite a su médico o a un profesional antes de comenzar a utilizar suplementos o hacer cambios en su dieta.

Jim Stoppani, Timothy Scheett, James Pena, Chuck Rudolph and Derek Charlebois – Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition20096 (Suppl 1) :P1 – Consuming a supplement containing branched-chain amino acids during a resistance-training program increases lean mass, muscle strength and fat loss.

Written by Ruben Del Toro

Ruben del Toro
Editor y Escritor
Ver el perfil de Ruben del Toro
Amante del deporte y de la vida en general. Soy escritor y me considero una persona autodidacta, disciplinada y comprometida, por lo que cada día es una nueva oportunidad para aprender algo nuevo.