Ser un pavo

  • "Necesitar un hervor" yo lo entiendo como algún problema mental relacionado con la locura y no tanto con la "madurez" o el hecho de ser más o menos ágil mentalmente.

    Aunque hoy en día "pavo" se usa como sinónimo coloquial (y un punto barriobajero) de "tío" o "tipo", cuando se emplea como adjetivo está más cerca del significado original en el que se alude a la "edad del pavo", es decir, a un comportamiento propio de un adolescente inmaduro.

    Digo esto porque hay que dejar bien claro el significado de una expresión antes de lanzarse a formular propuestas de traducción. :)
    Can you give some examples? I'm thinking "You're so silly," "What a dummy" or "Get a clue," but i'm not sure those would be the best translations.
    By saying pavo or pava to someone it implies that person acts like an inmature, maybe childish, but definitely as an inmature teenager.
    Well, the kids say "What a retard," but that is considered derogatory to mentally handicapped people.
    "Silly" is for frivolous behavior. You would not call someone "silly" for crashing their car while trying to tune the radio, for example. I would call that person a dumbass, but that is not a very polite word either.
    Pavo is just a mild term, but some people might consider it not very polite either.
    I hear ''Qué pava que sos" or "Sos una pavota" in situations where in English someone would say "Don't be so silly" or "How can you think that?"
    You normally would not say "Such a dummy you are" (unless you said it in a Jewish grandmother accent) but "What a dummy you are" or "You're such a dummy." Note also that "dummy" is slightly stronger than "silly."
    You could say "You silly," but try not to lisp. Best avoided by non-gay guys. Sorry for the stereotyping, but I didn't make it up. These are just some extremely well-worn phrases.
    en Perú, creo que lo decimos con relación con los pavos, las aves, ya que estos son medio tontos y torpes,no se habría que verlos . un sinónimo es GANZO. estas 2 palabritas son comúnmente usadas por los jovenes.