Pregunta por: Martha Amalia Dyck
Explicaciones Actualizado: 6 de Abril del 2021
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What is void setup and void loop

Loop() is where the code that runms ovewr and over goes (your program). Loop() and setup() are functions. A function with void in front is a void function and so will not return a value. The void after means that the function will accept no arguments.

En cualquier caso, what is void setup and void loop in Arduino?

Void setup is technically a function that you create at the top of each program. Inside the curly brackets is the code that you want to run one time as soon as the program starts running. You set things like pinMode in this section. void loop( ){ }

Sin embargo, what is void setup?

Void setup is technically a function that you create at the top of each program. Inside the curly brackets is the code that you want to run one time as soon as the program starts running. You set things like pinMode in this section.

Pero también, what is Arduino loop?

Description. After creating a setup() function, which initializes and sets the initial values, the loop() function does precisely what its name suggests, and loops consecutively, allowing your program to change and respond. Use it to actively control the Arduino board.

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